This website contains information regarding Catalyst Aviation, LLC of Hammonton, NJ (New Jersey) and owner Marialaina Hoban/Palmer (Maria Hoban/Palmer), and manager Gerard Palmer.
The exclusivity agreement is mentioned in an April 2013 email, approximately one month following the March 2013 meeting at the Gold Standard where Maria promised the exclusive relationship.
In a January recorded meeting in NJ at the Catalyst Aviation office, Maria Palmer stated that Gerard Palmer was not to be told about the meeting and discussion. Maria Palmer also stated that she is the 99% owner of the company, and that Gerard Palmer does not own Catalyst Aviation,.
In a recorded December meeting in NJ, with witness Anne Pickens, Maria Hoban/Palmer said she was aware of the noncompete agreement between Conrad’s company and Jordan Marsh, and said indicated she was comfortable with it:
Scan of Jordan’s noncompete with Conrad’s company, signed July 2014, with consideration paid to Jordan via check.
Catalyst and Jordan worked together from spring 2017 onward, with full knowledge of both parties about the existence of the agreement and that their actions were a violation of the agreement:
Jordan’s Instagram account showing direct work relationship with Catalyst in MD and PA
(from March 2017 onward)
Jordan’s social media posts showing a comfortable travel lifestyle during the time he is violating the noncompete (destinations include Norway, Iceland, the UK, Colorado, Oregon, Utah, South Carolina and NY)
Catalyst Facebook Account showing Jordan relationship - early 2020 onward
Letters to Catalyst (or Maria/Gerard)
Note that many mailings have a signed return receipt, but some letters were refused/unclaimed, and only have the outgoing certified mail certificate with the date stamp, and the unused return receipt is still physically attached to the back of the letter.
Certified mail SENT TO Jordan Marsh
Certified mail to Sander Friedman
Documents regarding Maria’s and Gerard’s finances and lifestyle
Maria has mentioned financial difficulties from 2014 onward, and specifically about some mortgage on her home and her college savings for her daughter, and Maria has suggested that Conrad has been selfish/greedy while she is suffering. While this may be true, Maria and Gerard had behavior that doesn’t seem consistent with partners in financial distress. Maria posted Facebook photos suggesting that in 2013 and 2014, they took a trip to Fiji, a trip to Banff, Canada, to Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada and took their families on cruise in the Caribbean.
In addition, Maria mentioned in 2015 that Gerard was once convinced to invest $200,000 in some kind of oil/gas investment.
In fall 2018, Maria and Gerard purchased a home in fall 2018 for $1.1 million, suggesting that Maria’s financial position does not comport with her previous statements about her grave financial situation.